Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cooper's Landing Florida:June 2013 "Andrea"

Early Flight Out 
Back at Cooper's Landing for our annual" June Jensen's Trip"
Boys & Beverages at the Tiki Hut : Time to shove off
Time to head out despite Andrea on her way...
Despite conditions Captain Gerry in a good mood
Cameras set
Here's " Andrea "
Grouper: Grouper

Capt Gerry, Pat & deck boss Chris with "supper"
Time for the Mucky Duck

Couple nice fish from Kelly: gag grouper & 4ft cuda

 Shark Bait

Score: Goliath Grouper 4 -  Pat 0
Finally: Kelly gets this guy to the boat...well done Kel!!!

Back at Rum Runners @ Cape Harbor
Another great trip in the books....until next time 

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